Testing a person's metabolic rate will determine exactly how many calories she needs to cut to lose weight. Retesting will reveal if her metabolism has been affected by dieting. The only way to know if someone is burning fat is to test her metabolism.
A weight loss plan must be individualized
When it comes to weight loss, there is no such thing as "one size fits all." Each person's metabolism is different based on genetics, eating habits, and fitness level. Each person gains weight for a variety of physical, emotional, and environmental factors. Charts and averages aren't effective ways to construct a diet plan. The Metacheck gives you specific data about each client to customize a plan for them.
Clients need to stay motivated
Clients can take back control of their lives with the Metacheck. With measurements that are unique to them and their own bodies, clients can make the choices that will benefit them most. Continued to teste helps motivate them to keep burning fat and guides them to achieve their weight loss goal.
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